Friday, April 24, 2015


I've got myself a job to do that isn't very fun;
It's a little overwhelming--not sure how I'll get it done.
So for now I'll stick to tasks I like, and have some pleasures too,
And set that job aside for just another day or two.

But even though I told it to come back another time,
It wouldn't really leave from the recesses of my mind!
It loitered on my lawn and would  through the windows stare,
And dampened all my fun the way it waited for me there!

And something from my garden must have fed its appetite,
Because it grew and grew till it became a frightening sight!
And when it got impatient it would knock or ring the bell,
But I avoided answering 'cause I knew its story well.

In time I wore its patience and it started acting mean;
This task which I had kept outside was now a monstrous fiend!
It stomped upon my roof and threw rocks into my wall,
And started to harass my friendly tasks who came to call!

Till finally it was clear to see my peace would not return
Until I faced this monster task which I so long had spurned.
So flinging wide the door, though with resentment in my breast,
I asked it please to come inside, it now could be my guest.

And as I got to know this task inside my parlor hall,
I found it wasn't quite as large or fearsome now at all.
I worked out all the business which it brought for me to do,
Then it gladly went away for good in just an hour or two.

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